Chepstow Update

Things are moving a pace with the Chepstow Estate. The LBR Planning Inspector Hilda Higgenbottam has dismissed the developer Telford Homes’ appeal for the second and third scheme submissions. She also invalidated the appeal on the first scheme on the grounds that it was given before conservation status was awarded to the area.

Unfortunately the Planning Inspector also liked the Art Deco style of the flats which local residents abhor, but rejected the appeal on the grounds that the six semi-detached houses on Gloucester Road were out of keeping with the rest of the road. A pity, because the locals like these houses. This leaves us with a quandary – any further rejections by Redbridge Council will mean that a new appeal will give significant weight to these findings, much to the dismay of local residents.

The Wanstead Society have therefore joined forces with the Counties Residents’ Association to lobby both Telford and the Council. We propose that Telford liaise with us before any new application is submitted. We have also proposed to the Council that they consider a third party arbitration approach this time. In this way, perhaps we can help steer Telford towards an acceptable design which all parties – The Wanstead Society, the Counties Residents’ Association and the Council – can support rather than object to.

We have heard from Telford that they will be submitting a new planning application which seems to address all our joint concerns. This is a victory for the Wanstead Society and Counties Residents’ Association, and it just goes to show we can make a difference.

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